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제 22 호 Professor Yoo Ji-yeon Receives the Prime Minister's Commendation

  • 작성일 2024-06-06
  • 좋아요 Like 1
  • 조회수 5097

Kicker: SM NEWS

Professor Yoo Ji-yeon Receives the Prime Minister's Commendation

by Ji-Won Choi, Cub Reporter


Awarding Professor Yoo Ji-yeon


  On April 22nd, Yoo Ji-yeon, a professor of Human Intelligence Information Engineering, was awarded the Prime Minister's Commendation at a ceremony in Gwacheon National Science Museum on the day of Science and Technology Information Communication Day.

  She was awarded for her contribution to strengthening the national cybersecurity capabilities of the national information and communication infrastructure.Starting with her research for Information and Communication Policy in 1999, Professor Yoo Ji-yeon has been developing digital strategies, future strategies, and technology policies. After she moved to Sangmyung University in 2014, she executed various studies about safe technology development and response system construction. With these various achievements, she has become a representative researcher about technology policy for national digital risk management.

  Also, she performs actively in various government activities such as Audit of the Korean Cyber Security Association, Director of the Information Security Association, and the Ministry of Science and ICT, the Korea Communications Commission, the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the National Cyber Security Center, and the Defense Acquisition Program Administration.In addition, by taking on the presidency of the Korean Internet Ethics Association, she is interested in the safe coexistence of humans and technology, the creation of a sustainable technological society and contributing to the development of the national society. 

  The science and Technology Information and Communication Day is an anniversary of the Republic of Korea to increase the importance of science and technology and information and communication, to pledge future development, to comfort people who contribute to the development of the country, and to enhance the pride of our nation.

  Congratulations to Professor Yoo Ji-yeon's for her award, and I support the academic development made by the professor's activities and her future contributions to society. I also hope that more people will be interested in the Science and Technology Information and Communication Day in the future.

